Players of the ‘Catizen’ Telegram game are angry about the sudden change in the token distribution criteria, with many complaining that they received less rewards than expected. Developer Pluto Studio admitted that the distribution criteria were changed without prior notice and pointed out that some exploits were abused. The change in criteria caused some players to feel that their time investment was not rewarded, which is related to its lack of transparency. Players are worried that more tokens are used for marketing activities instead of community rewards.

Key points

- Players are unhappy with the distribution ratio of tokens in the ‘Catizen’ game, and many believe that the rewards they received are lower than expected.

- Developer Pluto Studio admitted that the token distribution criteria were changed without prior notice.

- About 30% of tokens will be circulated at the initial launch, instead of the previously announced 43%.

- Airdrop criteria shifted from vKitty earning speed to an element that focuses more on real player activity.

- Many players complained that the distribution criteria were not disclosed transparently and accused of "bait and switch" in the distribution.

- Regarding cheating, the developers adjusted the criteria to ignore vKitty speed, but did not directly ban cheating accounts.

- Players are worried that more tokens are used for marketing activities instead of community rewards.