Canadian civil service exam question: Why do people earn much more in the United States than in China for washing dishes, even though they are both washing dishes?

Answer: The United States is a free and democratic country. In terms of system design, people are treated as people, especially the most ordinary and broad workers, so the value of labor is high.

China is a dictatorship. In terms of system design, it follows the law of the jungle and treats the most ordinary and broad workers as slaves, so they are extremely lowly. ——The essence of China's household registration system is serfdom.

The plates in the United States are protected by trade unions, while the plates in China are only you and the minimum wage to compete.

Ordinary Americans have a high propensity to consume, so the currency circulates faster.

The fast currency flow rate is reflected in the micro-business entities, where prices and wage costs will be high; it is reflected in the micro-people, where both income and expenditure are high.

Ordinary Americans are willing to spend money instead of saving money. First, there is a basic security system, and second, the economic environment in the United States is relatively continuous. There is no extreme experience like China's steady reform, so there is no habit of saving money to prevent risks.