Original author: 0xkevin, crypto KOL

On March 18 this year, dexter, the founder of Whales Market, announced the pre-sale of its AI project tokens on Solana, raising 155,364 SOL (about 32 million US dollars) in just half an hour, exceeding the pre-sale hard cap of 30 million US dollars. However, dexter deposited the pre-sale funds into Binance the day after the pre-sale was completed. After several months, on August 14, gm.ai officially announced the launch of GM tokens. However, after such a long interval, the pre-sale participants were waiting for a 100% loss as soon as the token was launched. The participants were ripped off, which can be called the biggest scam of the year in the cryptocurrency circle. Crypto KOL 0xkevin exposed the initiator of this scam on X.

MarsBit Mars Finance reprinted the full text as follows:

It's a subversion of your three views. I bet you must know the man holding the beautiful woman in the photo.

That’s right, he is the Vietnamese who raised 150,000 SOL by posting an address, and half of the cryptocurrency world was harvested by this Vietnamese @dexter_cap@gm_dot_ai

At the age of 30, he made a complete comeback thanks to the meme pre-sale craze started by $bome, reaping 30 million US dollars and winning the beauty.

Real name: Hung Dinh, let's see how he operates this scam.


In March of this year, $bome started the first Solana meme pre-sale craze. The project owner, celebrities, and KOLs posted an address on Twitter to raise funds. Retail investors directly transferred money to the address. After the pre-sale ended, tokens were distributed according to the amount.

Adhering to the launch model of no VC, no airdrop, no TGE, and no white orders, it swept the entire cryptocurrency circle for a while. However, there is no third-party supervision, no custody, and the money is directly put into the pocket. Who can resist the temptation of such money?

@dexter_cap is no exception. It raised 150,000 SOL in March, all of which were transferred to Binance after the pre-sale ended, almost equivalent to Rug.

Let’s take a look at how it was pre-sold in March but not launched until August.

2/Let’s review the timeline

On March 18, Dexter announced the GM pre-sale and raised about $30 million in 30 minutes

On March 19, Dexter transferred funds to Binance and converted part of the funds into stablecoins

On March 23, Dexter announced that it would open Gmail’s pre-IPO trading within a week, but it did not open as planned and was delayed for 3 months.

· June 17th Dexter said Gmai was ready to go public, but because of a lot of things going on, they postponed the launch

On July 29, Dexter finally announced the launch date and said that "the official list of CEX/DEX will be announced this week. Of course, they did not announce any CEX/DEX

On August 14, $gmai was finally launched, and each pre-sale investor lost 90%. This product did not cost a penny to be listed on any exchange, and the pool was only $2 million.

The hanging heart finally died.


Both Brother Whale and the AI ​​products he developed are anonymous.

What goes around comes around. @dexter_cap’s personal information was exposed again, and he is currently on vacation in Paris with his girlfriend. I guess his girlfriend posted the photo on platforms such as IG and the information was exposed.

Meme is good, but it is difficult to resist the temptation of money without supervision. Be sure to participate with caution next time there is a pre-sale!

By the way, @theparallel_com I heard this is Brother Whale’s new project.

Comprehensive personal information

@dextercap, full name Hung_Dinh, studied International Business Economics at Hanoi University of Foreign Trade, Vietnam. A well-known Vietnamese entrepreneur, he founded several web design and development companies.

Participated in the following projects:

· @dexter_cap

· One of the founders of @rada_network and a full-time advisor for Rada investment projects

And @theparallel_com @DeFi_Horse @Orbitauofficial