Compared with Commerce Secretary Raymondo and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai has always been much more silent, perhaps intentionally keeping a low profile or perhaps because she is marginalized. She has not visited China since taking office, and she rarely gives speeches on U.S. trade policy toward China. However, if she does not speak out, she will be amazing. Less than two months before the election day, the Office of the United States Trade Representative finally made an effort and announced a substantial increase in tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, solar cells, semiconductors, steel and other strategic commodities. The scope of the increase is very large, even including personal protective equipment, masks, needles and syringes. Indeed, imposing tariffs on China is a big deal. If it is delayed until the end of the U.S. election, it will not have much political significance to be tough on China, and it will be difficult to give Harris extra points. Besides, if Trump is elected, he will definitely say that the credit belongs to "Jianguo Chuan", not Biden and Harris#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币