September 16 bitcoin analysis

Leader Crypto Bitcoin sat in the green channel that I drew on the chart, it is time to evaluate the declines as an opportunity, it is necessary to act patiently, make a plan and evaluate the pullbacks, to earn from the declines, to wait for the opportunity to come to you or to start from somewhere, I shared the chart for you to get an idea, to stay away from buying heavily at the tops, to buy small amounts at the bottoms is an important strategy, my goal is 95 thousand USD in this one, inflation has become a problem in itself, it may be possible to reach these levels with the FED's interest rate cut, it is useful to wait earlier in altcoins, especially in this market, volume and record are in favor of bitcoin $BTC $USDC

You can get an idea by looking at the chart, the green channel may be preparing the ground for a pennant or normal channel formation, the weekly medium-term chart already shows where bitcoin will come in the long term, my personal opinion in summary; It will reach 95,000 USD but first everyone needs to shake it up, stay away from leverage and do normal transactions in my opinion.