Trading is not just about buying and selling assets. It is an art form that is often difficult for beginners to navigate. Here are the main mistakes beginners make and tips on how to avoid them:

1. Following the trend. Often, a newbie will buy an asset simply because everyone is talking about it, and then sell it when the price drops. Don’t rely on popularity or trends. Research assets, study their fundamentals, and make decisions based on analysis, not rumors.

2. Lack of strategy. Without a clear trading strategy, it is easy to fall into a trap. Determine your goals, risks, and tactics. Determine how much you are willing to lose and stick to this plan. Spontaneous decisions often lead to losses.

3. Emotions drive decisions. Fear and greed can lead to ill-considered actions. If you sell an asset when it falls and buy it when it rises, you will most likely experience losses. Develop a plan and stick to it despite emotional fluctuations.

4. Over-activity. Frequently switching between assets is a sign of insecurity. Constantly changing positions leads to high transaction costs and a decrease in overall income. Give your investments time to grow.

5. Not taking risks into account. It is important not only to look for assets that will grow, but also to take into account possible risks. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose. Diversify your investments to reduce overall risk.

How to avoid these mistakes?

Develop and stick to a strategy. Set clear rules for buying and selling assets.

Research and analyze. Before buying assets, conduct thorough research to understand why they may increase in value.

Control your emotions. Don't let fear and greed control your decisions.

Diversify your portfolio. Invest in different assets to reduce the risk of loss.

Plan and learn from mistakes. Keeping a trading diary will help you analyze your mistakes and adjust your strategy.

Following these guidelines will help you avoid common mistakes and increase your chances of successful trading. Success in trading is the result of careful preparation, analysis and discipline.