Faced with a sudden change in Kakiba, the order was accidentally trapped? Don’t panic, Dapeng’s three tricks can help you easily overcome your difficulties and make your future worry-free!

[Primary Strategy] Review the situation and respond flexibly:

1. Those who are light on the trap should seize the opportunity of rebound or retracement and get out of the trap gracefully.

2. Be quilted in a high position, make up for the situation at every turn, seize the psychological and bullet advantages, and wait for the storm to rise again.

[Technology-driven] Make precise decisions based on the timing of buying:

1. Hold at a high position and stop the shoots decisively to prevent the loss of shoots from expanding.

2. Hold the position in the middle, wait and see the changes, wait for opportunities, and adjust the position flexibly.

3. Start at a low position and wait patiently. After stabilizing, make up for it at a low position, reduce costs, and wait for the opportunity to unwind in one fell swoop.

[Trend is King] Follow the trend of the market and move forward steadily:

1. During an upward trend, hold and wait for the price to rise and enjoy the beauty of profit growth.

2. Confirm the situation, stay patient, wait for the right position to appear, and make a decisive move.

3. After the rising or falling trend is confirmed, stop the trend quickly, stay away from illusions, and avoid deep lock-in.

Go hand in hand with Dapeng, specially designed to solve the problem of winning rate. We take it as our responsibility to increase the wealth of our classmates. No matter whether it is a set of orders, a locked order, or a problem with the winning rate, Dapeng is here to help you solve your problems and go on the road to profit together! $BTC