Telegram/Ton is going to kill a bunch of public chains and Layer2. It is relatively easy for Layer2, which has few active users, to pile up data. Those who make money can make sufficient on-chain interactions. Telegram has 950 million monthly active users, Web2 users and Web3 users. Why don't you try to build a competitive Layer2 in a modular way?

Each public chain builds its own ecosystem and rarely connects with each other. Assets issued on bsc cannot be transferred to arbitrum, and even on op bnb. Telegram said: Come on, come on, it's totally fine not to use my Ton chain. You can issue your assets to any chain you want, and you can accept any coin payment you want. You can do it all in one step in the TG applet. If you want to use the Ton chain and Ton coin, you can apply for a grant.

If the games on the WeChat applet want to accept RMB payment, they also need to have a version number first, otherwise they can only earn advertising fees after going through layers of approval and going online. Telegram said: WeChat mini programs can be migrated to TG in one week. Once on TG, you can accept fiat currency or virtual currency at will.

In the past, when Chinese teams made blockchain games, there were definitely compliance risks, unless the team ran out and did not return to China. Telegram said: Chinese developers are welcome to go overseas and release products on TG to make money from foreigners. This is definitely a politically correct route, and it is hard to find fault with it.