Main Image text: #BTC

※Abstract before the article: See attached picture for details

Let’s first look at the low point for consolidation as mentioned in the previous article yesterday, and postpone it to 3 am at 22 o’clock. Subsequently, the root was inserted at 2 o'clock in the morning to establish a low point. This low point was deliberately done by a very powerful person who knew very well why he was doing this.

The logic that needs to be understood in the previous article is that the bearish main force starts to guide downwards at 65, and 65 is the major main force on August 23. This has to be recalled. At that time, I suspected that the majority master on August 23 was the empty master himself. In other words, this is the reason why I suspect that the empty host on the 15th is the great empty host on September 23. Because he is the Lord of the Great Sky on August 5th.

——Future (Follow-up):

★Follow-up, as mentioned above, after establishing a consolidation low, start moving toward a consolidation high. Of course, we know that high points do not equal high prices.

Follow-up...Due to theft and counterfeiting, the second half will not be released for the time being. The post will be posted on Binance Square first. Please check the posting time. If you need the second half, please search for my name and subscribe.