CATtizens, a Telegram-based AI-powered cat-育成 mini-game, announced that the total deposits in its 'Stake to Earn' feature surpassed 11 million CATI(approximately $9 million, according to OKX pre-market prices) within a day of its launch on the official channel. The official channel also stated that the number of staking participants exceeded 610,000. The 'Stake to Earn' feature allows CATtizens players to stake their CATI tokens and earn rewards in the form of additional CATI tokens. The feature is designed to encourage long-term holding of CATI tokens and to reward players for their participation in the CATtizens ecosystem. The launch of the 'Stake to Earn' feature has been met with positive feedback from the CATtizens community. Many players have expressed their excitement about the opportunity to earn rewards for staking their CATI tokens and have praised the feature for its simplicity and ease of use. The success of the 'Stake to Earn' feature is a testament to the growing popularity of CATtizens. The game has attracted a large and active community of players and has quickly become one of the most popular Telegram-based games. The launch of the 'Stake to Earn' feature is likely to further increase the popularity of CATtizens and to attract new players to the game.