Today we are going to talk about a highly anticipated project - Fractal Bitcoin.

Why is this project so popular? What is so unique about it? Is it really worth investing in?

In this issue, let’s take an in-depth look at this project and see the opportunities and risks behind it.

1. What is Fractal Bitcoin?

Fractal Bitcoin is a Bitcoin-based expansion project that aims to solve the "congestion" problem of the Bitcoin network.

In simple terms, its goal is to enable the Bitcoin network to process more transactions while keeping speeds high and fees low.

1. Why do we need Fractal Bitcoin?

We can imagine the Bitcoin network as a highway.

As more and more vehicles (and therefore transactions) pour onto this highway, traffic will naturally become more and more congested, speeds will slow, and tolls (handling fees) will become higher.

You may have also encountered this situation: Bitcoin transactions take a long time to confirm and the transaction fees are very expensive.

Fractal Bitcoin is like adding more lanes next to an existing highway.

In this way, more vehicles can travel at the same time, traffic efficiency is greatly improved, transactions are faster, and fees are lower.

2. What is the difference between Fractal Bitcoin and Layer 2?

The traditional Layer 2 (L2) solution is to speed up transactions by establishing an independent network outside the Bitcoin main chain.

You can think of Layer 2 as another express lane next to the highway, specifically for vehicles (transactions) that want to pass through quickly.

Although it can increase speed, the problem is that using this fast track requires additional technical support and is more complicated to operate, so not everyone can use it easily.

This is the problem that Fractal Bitcoin aims to solve.

Its goal is to provide a simple and efficient solution that does not require major changes to Bitcoin's core technology.

It's like adding more lanes to an existing highway instead of rebuilding another expressway.

This way, all vehicles (transactions) can pass through faster without having to switch to other highways.

3. How does Fractal Bitcoin do this?

It does this by adding something called a “fractal layer” to the Bitcoin main chain.

We can imagine the Bitcoin main chain as the trunk of a big tree, and the fractal layer of Fractal Bitcoin is like the branches and leaves of this tree.

Each fractal layer can process transactions independently, but still maintain a close connection with the backbone (Bitcoin main chain).

This design allows the Bitcoin network to process more transactions while maintaining compatibility and security with the main chain.

1. FB price increase attracts a lot of attention

With the official launch of Fractal Bitcoin's mainnet, the price of its token FB once rose to US$33, attracting a lot of market attention and funds.

Everyone rushed in, fearing to miss this opportunity to make money.

2. Unique mining method

FB has a model called "merged mining".

This means that miners can mine Fractal Bitcoin while mining Bitcoin.

For miners, this is simply an opportunity to make "free money", so many miners have joined in mining, further boosting the popularity of Fractal Bitcoin.

3. Token distribution and lock-up mechanism

Fractal Bitcoin issued a total of 210 million FB tokens, half of which (50%) were obtained through mining. The remaining tokens were distributed to the project's core team, community, consultants, and pre-sale users.

However, the tokens of these teams and contributors have a "lock-up period", that is, they cannot sell these tokens immediately, but have to wait for 6 months before they can start gradually selling them, and they can only be fully unlocked after 12 months.

The purpose is to prevent the team from selling a large number of tokens when the project is first launched, causing the price to plummet.

4. Capital drive

The development team behind Fractal Bitcoin is called Unisat. They are very famous in the Bitcoin ecosystem and have previously developed some very popular wallet tools.

What’s more, they have received investment support from big platforms like Binance and OKX.

The support of these major platforms has made Fractal Bitcoin more popular and attracted a large number of users to participate.

5. Promotion of ecological projects

Many projects are starting to launch on Fractal Bitcoin, such as decentralized exchanges and NFT projects.

These projects require the consumption of Fractal Bitcoin's token FB, which further increases the demand for the token.

Therefore, the reason why Fractal Bitcoin quickly became popular is mainly because its price increase attracted a large number of investors, the mining method is very attractive to miners, there is a strong team and investment support behind it, and there are also many ecological projects driving the demand for tokens.

Coupled with the "FOMO" effect of the market, more and more people are pouring into the market, further pushing up the price of tokens.

3. What are the advantages of Fractal Bitcoin?

1. Mining method

Fractal Bitcoin offers three mining methods.

The first is mining with mining machines: This is the most traditional way of mining. Miners need to purchase specialized hardware equipment (such as ASIC or GPU) to mine.

Fractal Bitcoin supports "merged mining", which means that miners can mine Fractal Bitcoin while mining Bitcoin, which is equivalent to "killing two birds with one stone".

However, this method is more expensive because you need to buy mining machines and pay for electricity, so it is not suitable for ordinary users.

The second is computing power leasing mining: if you don’t want to buy a mining machine, you can choose to lease computing power.

The advantage of computing power leasing is that you do not need to purchase hardware equipment yourself. You only need to pay the rental fee to obtain the computing power required for mining.

Although the cost of this method is lower than mining with mining machines, there are still certain risks, such as high rental fees and unstable income.

The third is to purchase NFT mining: This is the most suitable way for ordinary users.

You only need to purchase an NFT representing computing power (similar to a virtual "mining license") to participate in Fractal Bitcoin mining.

Each NFT represents a certain amount of computing power, and you can choose NFT products with different days, such as 3 days, 7 days, 14 days or 30 days. This method is simple to operate and has relatively low risk.

However, it should be noted that due to the fierce competition in mining, the returns may be relatively low, or even losses may occur.

2. Dynamic expansion function

Fractal Bitcoin also has a very clever feature: it can automatically adjust the number of expansion layers based on the congestion of the network.

That is to say, when there are many people on the network conducting transactions at the same time, Fractal Bitcoin will automatically add "lanes" to ensure that transactions can still be processed quickly.

Just like when you drive during rush hour, there are usually only two lanes, but when the traffic volume increases, Fractal Bitcoin will automatically add lanes so that more cars (transactions) can pass smoothly without causing traffic jams.

3. OP_CAT opcode

Fractal Bitcoin re-enables a technical feature in Bitcoin called the "OP_CAT opcode"

This feature allows for more complex transaction operations, increasing the flexibility of the network.

If Bitcoin’s transaction functionality is like being able to do simple addition and subtraction, then Fractal Bitcoin’s functionality is like being able to do more complex math operations, such as multiplication and division.

This allows Fractal Bitcoin to handle a wider variety of transaction requirements and adapt to more complex application scenarios.

Overall, the advantage of Fractal Bitcoin is that it provides a variety of mining methods, suitable for different types of users.

The dynamic expansion function ensures that the network can run smoothly even during peak periods. The activation of the OP_CAT opcode makes the network more flexible and able to handle more complex transaction requirements.

These advantages have made Fractal Bitcoin attract a lot of attention in a short period of time.

4. Are there any risks with Fractal Bitcoin?

1. Risks of Over-Centralization

Fractal Bitcoin claims to be “decentralized,” meaning that its management and decision-making should be shared by many people rather than controlled by a few.

However, some Bitcoin ecosystem developers have questioned this.

Some have expressed skepticism about the degree of decentralization of Fractal Bitcoin.

They believe that the development and decision-making power of Fractal Bitcoin is too concentrated in the hands of a few people, which is inconsistent with the decentralized concept of Bitcoin.

2. Uncertainty of long-term value

Fractal Bitcoin is likely to attract a lot of attention in the short term, especially because of its technological innovation and market hype.

However, whether its long-term value is stable and whether it can truly solve Bitcoin's scalability problem remains to be seen.

It remains unknown whether Fractal Bitcoin’s technology will continue to operate efficiently, especially as the network becomes more congested in the future.

3. Competitive pressure

Fractal Bitcoin faces competition from other Bitcoin scaling solutions, especially the Lightning Network and other Layer 2 solutions like Merlin and B² Network.

These projects already have a certain market foundation and users are relatively familiar with them.

It’s like you open a new restaurant, but there are already several established restaurants nearby that have a lot of customers and a good reputation.

You need to prove that your restaurant has unique advantages in order to attract more customers.

Fractal Bitcoin also needs to prove itself to be better than other scaling solutions in order to stand out from the competition.

According to recent market data, the number of global nodes of the Lightning Network has exceeded 18,000, which shows that the Lightning Network already has a stable user base, while Fractal Bitcoin is just getting started and faces considerable competitive pressure.

5. What will happen to Fractal Bitcoin in the future?

The future prospects of Fractal Bitcoin depend on several key factors:

1. Continuous promotion by the project party

The future of Fractal Bitcoin depends largely on the efforts of the project team.

If the team can continue to promote the development of the project and attract more users and developers to join, the popularity of Fractal Bitcoin will last longer and may even attract global users, not just Chinese users.

2. Success of ecological projects

There are many projects on Fractal Bitcoin, such as NFT, inscriptions, decentralized exchanges, etc.

If these projects can bring money-making effects and attract more retail investors to participate, Fractal Bitcoin will have a greater chance of success.

Currently, there are some projects running on Fractal Bitcoin, such as:

UniWorlds: This is a virtual world project where users can build houses, shops, and even hold virtual events.

Satspumpfun: This is a coin issuance platform based on Fractal Bitcoin, on which users can create their own tokens.

Motoswap: A decentralized exchange where users can trade cryptocurrencies freely without relying on a centralized platform.

Fractal Punks: An Ordinals NFT project, similar to CryptoPunks on Ethereum, but issued on Fractal Bitcoin.

3. Continued participation of miners

Currently, Fractal Bitcoin mining is very popular and many miners are participating.

The competition for mining is very fierce. Fractal Bitcoin's total network computing power is close to 40% of Bitcoin, which means that many large mining pools are mining FB tokens.

It's like you are digging for gold in a gold mine, more and more people join in and the competition becomes very fierce.

Although there is a lot of gold, if everyone starts selling gold, the price of gold may fall.

Likewise, if miners sell off a large number of mined Fractal Bitcoin tokens, it could put pressure on the price of the currency.

4. Support from exchanges

The future of Fractal Bitcoin also depends on whether it can be listed on more exchanges, especially some large platforms (such as Binance and OKX).

If these large platforms support Fractal Bitcoin, its liquidity and market demand will increase.

Since Unisat has a partnership with Binance and OKX, FB has the opportunity to be listed on Binance and OKX exchanges.

6. How to make money with Fractal Bitcoin?

1. OKX Airdrop Event

If you have used OKX’s Web3 wallet in the past 6 months, made at least 3 transactions (such as trading Bitcoin or other assets), and hold $100 worth of Bitcoin, you are eligible to receive 6.6 FB tokens.

If you are in the top 5,000 in terms of activity on OKX, you can get an additional 30 FB tokens.

2. UNISATS official airdrop

If you have traded at least 0.001 Bitcoin (approximately $500-600) on the UNISETS platform in the past 90 days, you are eligible to receive 5 FB tokens.

If you hold a UNISETS token (similar to a membership card) or have early interactions on the UNISETS BRC-20 market, you can also get an additional 10 FB tokens.

3. Mining

If you have a Bitcoin mining machine, you can earn Fractal Bitcoin tokens through mining.

The principle of mining is simple: you provide computing power to help the network process transactions, and in return, you are rewarded with tokens.

4. Buy on the exchange

If you are optimistic about the long-term development of Fractal Bitcoin, you can go to the exchange to buy FB tokens.

Currently, Gate Exchange has launched FB transactions.

I won’t go into detail about the specific operation methods here. If you are interested, you can join our core group, and I will provide specific operation strategies and tutorials.

Friends who want to join the core group can scan the QR code to contact the assistant.


In general, Fractal Bitcoin may have a certain degree of market popularity in the short term, especially in the early stage of the mainnet launch.

However, due to its centralization doubts and uncertainty about its long-term value, its future performance needs further observation.

The continued promotion of the project team, the success of ecological projects, the participation of miners and the support of exchanges are all key factors that determine the success or failure of Fractal Bitcoin.

We can look forward to whether Fractal Bitcoin can bring some innovative gameplay that is different from other public chains.

Finally, what do you think about the future of Fractal Bitcoin? Can Fractal Bitcoin bring about a new round of bull market in the Bitcoin ecosystem?

You are welcome to leave a message in the comment area and we can discuss together.