**Trading Tips During Weekends.**
Sometimes as a trader, even though it's the weekend our hands are still "itchy" to open a trading position. So, what should we do when trading during the weekend when price action is very uncertain?
*#1Reduce risk exposure.**
Weekends have very anomalous price action, it's better to size down or reduce risk when trading. When we usually risk IDR 1 million in each trade, we can size down by 50% to only risk IDR 500 thousand. Reducing risk exposure can reduce potential losses.
*#2Look at the liquidation area.**
During the weekend, smart money often does "liquidity hunt" or liquidates positions from retailers or other smart money. Use various platforms to see the liquidation zone where we can identify where the price will move to pursue its liquidation area.
*#3Altcoins are more preferable.**
During the weekend, many Altcoins do not move according to Bitcoin. During the weekdays, various Altcoins move following Bitcoin and Bitcoin follows SPX. Find altcoins with the highest liquidity (volume) and study their anomalous movements to open a trading position.
*#4Don't let the position "overnight".**
Try to close the position on that day when trading on the weekend. Don't let our position stay overnight or not be closed overnight or more because when it changes to weekdays, SPX and the open stock price will automatically mess up the trading plan that we have made.