#美降息25个基点预期升温 Let's talk about the upcoming interest rate cut!

I personally think that whether there is a rate cut or not, the cryptocurrency world will be the same.

If the Fed does not cut interest rates, it will not affect my wallet being stolen, contract liquidation, currency running away, assets returning to zero, and it will not affect various scammers issuing coins to cut leeks.

Faced with a bunch of comments on the Internet, advocating that interest rate cuts mean a bull market, how uneducated and uncommon-sense people would come to such a conclusion?

Even if the interest rate is cut, it depends on whether the capital flow flows into the cryptocurrency world and how much it flows in.

The logic of the interest rate cut is that institutions can get money at a lower cost. As for what to do with the money and whether it will be used in the cryptocurrency world, you and I have no say.

You will not pull a banner and kneel at the door of the institution to ask them to buy coins, right?

Well, even if you really do this, they will inject funds into the cryptocurrency world. What's next? If they can't make money, they will still withdraw.

Therefore, one or two external stimuli are useless and have little impact on the market.

Of course, if the Fed continues to cut interest rates, and the industry continues to improve, I think a bull market is still possible$BTC $ETH #新币挖矿CATI #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #BTC☀ #ENA走势分析