At present, there are still many friends who are asking me, can it still rise? Can I still go long? This is definitely not possible. If you consider going long now, you can only be slaughtered

There are also many friends who ask me how to look at eth. You can look back and see that it has been talking about eth. Regarding eth saying that it will go to 2200 and start with 1😂, there must be many friends who question it. It doesn’t matter

Let’s see and say it when the time comes. Let the facts speak for themselves. The market is currently volatile. There is no way to see it until the last moment. It is impossible to be alone and consistent! $BTC $ETH $BNB #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #比特币挖矿难度创历史新高 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?