
Binance is pleased to introduce BNSOL: Binance SOL Staking.

🔾 How to earn BNSOL?

Securely stake your SOL tokens and receive BNSOL in return, a Liquid Staking Token (LST) that represents your staked assets.

I'm staking my SOL now!

❓What is SOL staking?

SOL staking is the process of staking your Solana (SOL) tokens to earn staking rewards. Binance opens the door to Solana, making it easier and more convenient to stake SOL.

❓ What is the use of SOL staking?

Binance Staked SOL (BNSOL) allows you to continue earning staking rewards while maintaining the flexibility to trade, lend, or use your assets on various Binance products and external DeFi platforms.

Binance Staked SOL (BNSOL) represents your staked SOL plus the staking reward received, in a tradable and transferable form. Since regular staking locks your staked assets, you cannot use them for any other purpose. You will still be able to withdraw them whenever you want. $SOL #BNSol