After Friday, many friends came here. Some of them were looking for ways to get out of the trap, and some suffered serious losses. As long as they find this place, I will definitely do my best to help everyone. Thank you for your trust. Friends who are trapped can also find this place to get out of the trap for free.

​In terms of market trends, the market slowed down over the weekend, and the price ratio was also a shock downward correction during the midnight pull-up. The current lowest retracement to around 59,800 rebounded. I reminded everyone in the morning that there will not be an overly strong unilateral trend during the day. The day is still dominated by shocks. There are opportunities for both short-term long and short positions.

​Big cake can be more around 59,800, with a target of around 60,500. Auntie is more around 2410, with a target of around 2440. #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #美国经济软着陆? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $BTC $ETH