Ethereum, is it still okay?

Some people say that Ethereum is not okay...

But if you listen to the words of the takers and the stackers, it would be strange if you don't lose money.

Think about it, how many retail investors laughed at Li Ka-shing when he sold mainland real estate in 2018. When Buffett invested in Japan in 2023, the same voice appeared again.

What is the result? They are just old, not stupid.

There is often manipulation behind public opinion, like those voices that were still shouting to buy a house at the end of 2020... Regarding the problem of Ethereum, the previous article has been analyzed, and you can check it out if you are interested.

As for saying that Ethereum is not okay, it is not ruled out that someone deliberately created momentum, and it may be that the dealer wants to absorb funds at a low price. It is more likely that because of the recent price drop, everyone followed the trend and said bad news. But looking at the entire market, other coins have fallen more, and there are many projects that have run away.

It can still be said that Ethereum has surpassed 99% of the projects in the currency circle. Note that this is not a shouting order, but just a reminder that even if Ethereum is really not okay, the big investors behind it will pull the market to ship. This round of bull market, at least you won't lose money.
