🚀$BTC soars to the sky, approaching the 60k mark! In the past two months, BTC's steps have become more and more stable, and every step has taken an upward beat. Imagine if it can cross the towering peak of 65k and create glory again, what a magnificent scene it will be! I firmly believe that this wave of market is not only strong, but also likely to continue soaring for four months. After all, it has been quietly accumulating power for a full seven months, and the energy ready to go is comparable to the majestic momentum in the second half of last year.

Although market sentiment fluctuates occasionally, please remember that the light of hope has never been extinguished. Although the changes in the election have not yet reached a climax, every moment of fluctuation is paving the way for the upcoming feast. The US stock market has repeatedly set new highs, and the US dollar is slightly weak. Isn't all this a prelude to the election market? Friends, don't let the haze in front of you cover the dawn of dawn. Let us go hand in hand and welcome the bright light that is about to bloom!

#新币挖矿CATI #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国8月核心CPI超预期