The funniest thing is that someone said "btc about 40k"

Then people said: "nothing is impossible"

Why do we hoard btc? Some people hoard gold, silver, stocks?

In fact, that is just accumulation when we create excess wealth and money, but if this excess factor is lost, then certainly no one will accumulate btc or gold and silver for anything (the excess factor is lost or reduced due to nuclear war or catastrophic epidemics, for example, at that time it is called economic recession)

So the more the economy develops, the capitalization of gold, silver and stocks,#BTCwill increase more and more (long-term trend)

Why is it#BTCand not another coin that is faster, more superior, just like why are diamonds so expensive while artificial diamonds are just as beautiful, even more beautiful, gold is the same, fake gold or even stainless steel is shiny and more beautiful but people do not use it to hoard. The important factor here is scarcity. So BTC will go up to 1 million dollars (it's possible) it's probably just a matter of time. BTC is now back up to 60k! I called to buy quite a lot at 52-53k! Anyone collecting some? Long term, just buy, don't care about the small waves of the market! #Write2Win #BTC80k #BTCking $BTC $BTC