The US stock market rebounded strongly, and the crypto market was in the green across the board! 9.14 Big Pancake Auntie Market Analysis and Operation Ideas

On Friday, the US stock market opened. As representative Nasdaq, Dow Jones and S&P 500 all soared, and the crypto market was also driven by bulls. In addition, most of the shorts can be cleared near 60,000 in the liquidation map, and the coin price lived up to expectations! So far, the highest reached 60,625. Friday's market really lived up to the name of the black swan!

The daily line closed with a real big positive column, with a little bit of upper lead, the coin price broke through the middle track of Bollinger, and is currently running between the middle and upper tracks. The Bollinger band is severely closed, and the KDJ golden cross diverges upward, but the J line currently has signs of slowing down slightly, and it is in urgent need of repair at a high level. The MACD golden cross is large, and the daily line bulls remain unchanged, but there is a need for retracement!

In the four-hour chart, the Bollinger Bands opened sharply, the price of the currency broke through the upper Bollinger Band and ran above the upper band, the KDJ golden cross diverged upward, the J line and the daily line were consistent, there was a sign of slowing down, and the MACD golden cross increased in volume. It can be seen that more bulls are optimistic about the bulls, so we must be careful of the retracement strength! The upper pressure position focuses on the vicinity of 61200, and the support position focuses on the 60000 mark, 59500 and 58700.

9.14 Big Pie Operation Idea: First short one hand near 60600, defend above 61200, target 60000-59500, break and hold to see the situation!

Long order idea: try to go long near 59000, target 59500-60000-60500

Ether operation idea: enter the market near 2440 and short, target 2400-2370, break and hold to see the situation!

Enter the market near 2350 and go long, target 2400-2430

You can enter the market at any point, but we don’t need to enter the market at every point. If you don’t understand the market, you’d rather wait and see, and only by keeping the principal can you have a chance! Ideas are shared every day, ✔️ rate to follow and check! I hope that the repeated analysis every day can help more friends! If you don’t understand or can’t do well, you can follow Conan’s ideas and rush together! ! ! #美降息25个基点预期升温 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #美国8月核心CPI超预期