Last night, there was a unilateral market, which was very fierce. At the beginning, the big cake fluctuated around the 58400-57700 area. Mingjie reminded everyone from the morning that they could buy more near 57800, and his thinking has not changed. In the evening, before the market started, the whole network reminded everyone to hold more firmly. Then the dog pile began to wash the plate, and the ups and downs were very fast. Mingjie also kept giving great confidence that this market would definitely be pulled up. In the end, the market also came as expected, giving more than 2,000 points of pull-up space. Basically, those who followed this wave were full of gains.

Judging from the current trend, today is Saturday, that is to say, today's market may not be very big, but there are still some small fluctuations, and you can do well in the short term. The wave just in the morning also rebounded directly to around 60600, breaking through the 60,000 mark. Today, it is expected that the market will fluctuate above the 60,000 mark. The trend last night was still very strong, and you can participate in low-long in the morning.

Bitcoin is around 60000-59800 on Saturday morning, with the target around 60800$BTC $ETH