After the breakthrough, the trend will definitely go like this. Abstract diagram

The weekly line has stabilized.

It broke the 60-week line, but there was a strong rebound.

The basic trend of the current wave of daily lines is relatively clear.

You don’t even need to look at the 4h line.

Just see if you can get out of a 3-5-day upward trend at the daily level.

From now on, it should not be a big problem.

It is not recommended to short now.

If you haven’t got on the train yet,

you can go long with a position of 0.5-1%.

If it goes down, you can increase your position.

The maximum position is increased to 3%-4%.

This wave of long points will also be very comfortable.

Of course, if you want to short, I won’t stop you.

You can do it yourself.

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