How Proposal 289 Exposed Risks in CompoundDAO's Governance System

- The CompoundDAO treasury incident highlights vulnerabilities in DAOs, allowing a group of token holders to withdraw $24 million, raising concerns about governance manipulation.
- A new metric, Voting Bloc Entropy (VBE), is proposed to better assess decentralization and improve governance practices in DAOs.

On July 28, 2024, the Compound community passed Proposal 289, which led to a significant withdrawal of approximately $24 million from the CompoundDAO treasury by a group of five token holders known as the "Golden Boys." This incident underscored the vulnerabilities within decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and the potential for governance manipulation, emphasizing the need for more effective governance metrics.

Current decentralization metrics, such as the Nakamoto Coefficient, often focus solely on token distribution, which can misrepresent actual governance dynamics. For instance, two hypothetical DAOs could appear differently decentralized based solely on token distribution, but the real governance control could be more centralized if a single entity holds significant influence over multiple wallets.

To address these issues, Voting Bloc Entropy (VBE) is introduced as a new metric that measures clusters of token holders with similar voting behaviors. This approach aims to provide a clearer picture of decentralization by identifying dominant voting blocs, as seen in the case of the Golden Boys. By monitoring VBE, DAOs can enhance participation and reduce governance risks, ultimately fostering a more engaged voting community.


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