$BTC #TopCoinsSeptember T

DOGS Telegram first launched as a messaging service in 2013, starting on iOS and soon after on Android. Known for its privacy, Telegram quickly became the de facto messaging app within the crypto space as users valued the ability to message others without revealing their phone numbers. Even outside of the crypto space, Telegram is an industry leader in its own right, with nearly a billion users worldwide. With its massive user base and recent moves to expand the reach of its own L1 blockchain, The Open Network (TON), TON is quickly poised to become one of the top L1s, having also recently broken into the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap. This year alone, the total value locked on the TON blockchain has expanded exponentially from a mere $13.5 million in January to a staggering $518.95 million today, with many investors comparing it to the likes of Solana and Base.