Martín Mazza, manager of Tools For Humanity: We will have to prove that there is a human behind an online action

In the face of suspicions, the regional leader of TFH claims that the Worldcoin protocol only seeks to create a “digital passport” that verifies that a user is not a bot

Martín Mazza, regional manager of Tools for Humanity

Argentine Martín Mazza is the regional manager of Tools For Humanity (TFH), the company founded by Sam Altman, also the creator of ChatGPT and one of the most influential people in the technology universe. The company promotes the Worldcoin protocol, the project that generated countless viral videos of people who scanned their irises in exchange for a cryptocurrency backed by TFH.

The objective of this protocol, which raised many questions about the eventual use of biometric data from people who provided their iris, is to create a “digital passport that verifies that behind a user there is a human and not a bot or some creation made with artificial intelligence,” Mazza said in an interview in the LA NACION newsroom.

TFH is based on the premise that, in a few years, a good part of the digital world will be created or improved by artificial intelligence, so in many cases it will be necessary to prove the “humanity of users.” It would work as a replacement for the captcha that is usually used to verify an account, although it also has an infinite number of other possible functions.

World Coin

Iris scanning is done with The Orb” The Orb is a metal sphere developed by the company that has a digital reader that takes iris biometrics in seconds. In Argentina they began working around two years ago and the images of the long lines in shopping malls, stores and other verification points quickly attracted attention. According to TFH data, to date there are more than 500,000 verified people in the country (about 10% of the 5 million worldwide).Today they have operations in places like Germany,