If you're serious about becoming a real trader and not a gambler, this article is a must-read.

If you're opening 5x-10x positions with all your money, it's safe to say you're essentially gambling. Such high-risk positions have a high likelihood of liquidation, especially in the highly volatile crypto market, where 10%-20% price swings are common. Even with a stop-loss, a small market movement can wipe out most of your principal.

The key to successful trading is patience. If you're impatient, unfortunately, you won't make a good trader.

Here's why patience matters:

First, avoid opening 10x or even 1x positions with your full principal. A 1x position is essentially like flipping a coin to guess the market's direction. Instead, your positions should only be about 5% of your total principal.

If your position becomes profitable, that's great—take profits when you're ready. If the position moves against you, patience is crucial. Since only 5% of your principal is at risk, you can afford to wait.

If the market drops by 10%, it's time to add to your position. This approach can put you in a more advantageous situation as the market typically reverts to the average, eventually reaching your entry price (with some exceptions for specific tokens).

At that point, allow your position to rise before taking profits and closing out the trade.