⚡️ "Rich Dad Poor Dad" author warns!

⚡️ $35 trillion debt hanging over the head, Trump and Harris have no solution?

⚡️ Switch to saving gold, silver, and Bitcoin!

"Rich Dad Poor Dad" author's point of view

📚 Author: Robert Kiyosaki

🎯 Core point of view:

The US debt problem is serious: The author points out that whether Trump or Harris wins, they can't solve the US debt problem of up to $35 trillion.

Savings advice changes: He recommends that people stop saving dollars and consider saving assets such as gold, silver and Bitcoin.

💡 Summary:

Robert Kiyosaki believes that the US debt problem is the key, and neither Trump nor Harris can solve this problem.

Therefore, he recommends changing the savings strategy and turning to assets with greater value preservation potential.

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