The blueprint for delaying retirement has been quietly presented, and a "gentle" journey of gradual retirement age is about to begin.

Imagine that this is a decades-long "time walk", and every year we only need to take a small step on the road to retirement - that is, to gently push the retirement threshold back two months. This is not just a fine-tuning of numbers, but also a well-thought-out layout of the future pension system.

In the end, men will join hands in a new era of retirement at the age of 65, and women will also gracefully cross the retirement threshold of 60. All of this will end perfectly in the gentle embrace of 2055, as if it is the most delicate brushstrokes of nature, slowly outlining on the scroll of time.

In this transformation, the post-90s friends seem to have become the "darlings of the times", but they also bear the "test of the times". They jokingly call themselves "the chosen leeks", who have neither witnessed the glorious feast of the times nor missed any bitter tears of the times. But it is precisely this experience that has forged their tenacity and courage to take responsibility, making them shine in the torrent of history.

Let us welcome this journey of time with a more optimistic attitude. After all, every wait and effort is for a brighter tomorrow. Post-90s, are you ready? Let us go hand in hand and write our own glorious chapter in the tide of the times!

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