As announced at the Binance Academy, the Center for Analysis and Coordination of the Fourth Intellectual Evolution of the Asian Economy olodezhi ctpany i cpecialictam ppofilnyx ctpuktup camyx pepedovyx knowledge in the field of blockchain and WebZ.

According to the signed memorandum, Binance Academy experts and other experts will be presented by Azerbaijani universities y, NFT and Metavcelennyx.

This initiative will help increase knowledge and create opportunities for students in the field of professional learning, Binance Academy said. The main goal is to enable students and specialists of Azerbaijan to become professionals in the digital economy.

According to Vishal Sachendran, Head of Regional Markets at Binance, the company is always ready to help in implementing local educational initiatives in the field of blockchain in Azerbaijan.

Bishal Cačendpan also drew attention to the fact that the cppoc on blockchain-cpecialictov pactyot c every year and in this ppofĂ©ccii zapabotnaya pay higher than the cpc.

He emphasized that the company will continue to develop blockchain initiatives and startups in Central Asian countries in order to provide the younger generation and experts with innovative methods from the Web3 and crypto industry.