Satoshi Nakamoto mined the first block of Bitcoin, the so-called "Genesis Block", on January 3, 2009, and received 50 Bitcoins as a reward. Since then, Satoshi Nakamoto has continued to mine a considerable number of blocks and accumulated a large number of Bitcoins.

It is believed that Satoshi Nakamoto owns about 1 million bitcoins, which were obtained in the early days of the Bitcoin network when mining difficulty was extremely low. The true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto remains a mystery. He (she) or they have not been active in the Bitcoin community since 2010 and have hardly used the bitcoins they hold.

In addition to Satoshi Nakamoto, there are some early Bitcoin holders, including early developers, enthusiasts and technicians, who obtained Bitcoin through mining or purchase.

For example, Hal Finney is considered the first Bitcoin user other than Satoshi Nakamoto; Laszlo Hanyecz is the first person to use Bitcoin to purchase physical goods (pizza), exchanging 10,000 Bitcoins for two pizzas, an event that later became an important milestone in Bitcoin history.


Other early participants include the founders of the Bitcoin Foundation, such as Peter Vessenes, Gavin Andresen, etc., who made important contributions to the early stages of Bitcoin and may hold a certain amount of Bitcoin.

Then there are early investors like the Winklevoss brothers, who built a significant fortune by buying Bitcoin and continue to be active in the cryptocurrency space.

Many of these early holders have become well-known figures in the cryptocurrency space and have helped fuel the growth of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies through their efforts.

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