At present, the market is very heatedly discussing whether interest rate cuts will trigger a rise and start a bull market.

However, from past experience, expectations of interest rate cuts are often over-hyped.

Taking the performance of the#BitcoinBTC# ETF last year and the halving this year as examples, there is a clear gap between the actual effects of these events and market expectations.

Therefore, the impact of interest rate cuts may not be as strong as expected.

Although the implementation of interest rate cuts will boost market sentiment and increase capital flows in the short term, it does not mean that a bull market will start immediately. Usually, after a rate cut, the market may experience a short-term rebound, followed by a large correction, and finally usher in a sustained reversal rise.

To truly enter a bull market, more macroeconomic policy stimulus may be needed.

For example, if certain policymakers come to power again and launch a series of measures to encourage consumption, this may further promote the development of the crypto market, thereby opening a larger bull market phase.

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