It has always been the case that novices are afraid of one-sidedness, and veterans are afraid of shocks. The purpose of shock is to build momentum, while the purpose of unilateral movement is to harvest. Every time, again and again, new unilateralism will usher in new shocks, and new shocks will also breed new unilateralism. The law of the market is that the same recipe, the same routine, is repeated day after day, year after year. The trend also runs in the replacement of old and new.

The daily line and the 4-hour line closed in the sun, overlooking the previous line from a distance, so bulls can have greater profit margins if they follow the trend. The price is rising based on the MA moving average, and the trend is clear. The bulls have the advantage. The 4-hour moving average of the currency price will also form a golden cross and continue to diverge upward. Then the BTC bulls are not over yet. There is still room for the BTC bulls. BTC fell back around 57,300 in early trading and continued to increase.

BTC operation recommendation is 57300-57500, add 56700, defend 56400, target 59800

ETH operation suggestion 2320-2330 2280 increase the position 2250 target 2420#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #美降息25个基点预期升温 3429765125983266918076$BNB #BTC 89777315 742