Odaily Planet Daily News Chaos Labs announced the launch of the decentralized oracle protocol Edge to support Solana ecosystem DEX Jupiter. In the past two months, Edge has provided its services for $30 billion in trading volume on Jupiter. Edge consists of three components: Price: Provides high-precision price data through an integrated risk engine provided by Chaos' advanced outlier and anomaly detection algorithms; Risk: Automatically provide real-time parameter adjustments on the chain based on current market conditions; Proof: Implement secure on-chain delivery of custom data points, including proof of reserves delivered through zero-knowledge proofs (ZKP). Since migrating to Edge as its main oracle, Jupiter has seen a 70% reduction in stale price events and an 80% reduction in update fees, thanks to the payload efficiency of Edge price reports, which has increased the number of prices that Jupiter can verify in a single transaction by 5 times. (ChainWire)