🧧👇Yesterday, Thursday, we arranged 3 contracts in total (3 intraday orders), 2 short orders and 1 long order. Among them, 1 long BTC order and 2 short ETH orders.

A total of 3 orders were traded, 3 take-profit orders (the worst of 2 ETH orders was the cost), 0 stop-loss orders, and 2 break-even orders. BTC long orders made a profit of 700-1300 points, and the worst ETH short orders did not lose money, and some even made a little money (told 2333 to close the short in advance).

Using 100x leverage, Bitcoin accumulated a profit of 180%+ yesterday. I didn't make money on ETH, but I saw that some made a lot.

Summary: The idea of ​​doing orders + points + direction that was first released yesterday was to arrange BTC long orders first, and then short ETH to connect BTC. Some friends asked you at that time why it would not be better not to short BTC to connect BTC? First, the exchange rate of the aunt was very weak at that time, and you could make a lot of profit. Second, some newcomers don’t understand the high-level two-way position of a currency.

Key point: I was the first to tell you yesterday that BTC broke through the downward trend line. I also posted an analysis chart of BTC's long positions. Then we repeatedly reminded the long position at 57350 to ambush. I ate big meat before going to bed at night. I still have 20% of the position, and I can move to protect my capital.

Extension: BTC did not break through 58600 today (once it breaks through, it will spirally squeeze the shorts), which makes me wait and see the strength of the longs. $BTC