Price update $WLD

Since this analysis was shared, the price has done nothing but respect the levels and give us an excellent entry.

In addition, today we had a fundamental that has served as a catalyst, accelerating the rise.

Open AI announced an improvement and update for GPT, and as we know, Open AI is behind WLD. Every improvement in GPT triggers a wave of purchases in the currency.

We currently have a secured trade, with SL at the entry price.

Again, I reaffirm that we do not need many X in futures to have good operations; we were able to manage a wide SL and protect the capital, now we enjoy the journey without worries.

The key retracement zones are in: The area of ​​1.90 and 3.2 approx. These can be areas to look for short, in addition to collecting partial longs. As the price develops, I will update.

And you, were you able to operate the rise or what operations did you perform?

Crypto Citizen says goodbye!!