Main Image text: #BTC

※Abstract before the article: See attached picture for details

Let’s take a look at the article before 17:00 yesterday. It was very exciting. Retail investors speculating on the bottom broke 585 and have stopped now.

The following masked text only mentions in the group display part that retail investors will speculate on their own, but because of their own speculation and placing buy orders, they will become empty owners (those who don’t understand, please study more, don’t pretend to understand) .

As you can see later, quickly pull up and then quickly draw the door.

Then the follow-up article mentioned that it was empty after one o'clock in the morning on the 13th. After seeing a little bit later, I started to watch the market with the empty host on the court. Retail investors continue to buy in small quantities at the market price. Retail investors just want to see that the price is high. And every time the bearer makes a move, it is a big sell.

——Future (Follow-up):

★Follow up, the important moment has come.

As mentioned above, the 10-day sky mainly comes on the 12th and stays until the 15th.

However, because it has been suspected that the empty owner may be related to the big empty owner on the 23rd, the current empty owner is not suitable for vigorous suppression.

However, if this empty master at this time is really a big empty master. So, these two or three days are needed... Due to the theft and counterfeiting of the group, the second half will not be released for the time being. The post will be posted on Binance Square first. Please check the posting time. If you need the second half, please search for my name and subscribe.