Let's take a brief look at Thursday's market. There is nothing much to say about the white market. It has been oscillating. The long and short positions have been operating for hundreds of points. The white market is mainly short-term. The volume began to increase in the evening. With the release of the number of unemployment benefits last week, although the impact was small, it was not good news for the positive market sentiment. Therefore, the short position was driven to drop to around 57,300 in the evening and then rebounded. The market was also a long and short position. The price rose to around 58,600 and then fell again. We also gave reasonable advance layouts during the day. The layout of the big cake in the day totaled 4,848 points of space. The layout of the Ethereum Love has a total of 138 points of space. The market of Ethereum today is relatively lagging. The fluctuation is much smaller than that of the big cake, but we also accurately grasp the strength.

From the current market, the highest level in the late trading session was 58600 before retreating. The upper lead of the second line on the market has been given, but this upper lead also proves that the middle track of the daily line is under pressure again. In this market, combined with the 4-hour line, the Bollinger Bands continue to close and the range of the B price continues to oscillate around the middle and upper tracks, but as the KDJ indicator line ends with a shortened sentence, the possibility of time difference is still relatively large. In the subsequent operation, we can see a wave of retracement instead of blindly chasing more. Combined with the hourly line, the hourly line pattern closed with a cross star, and a small recovery was given in the late trading. Combined with the indicator line, it will form a golden cross, so there will still be a certain rebound in the short term, but considering the upper pressure level and the 4-hour line has room to go down, so we can choose to go long first and then short in the midnight operation, and use a wide range of fluctuations as a treatment.

Pie is short around 58500, and the target can be focused on the lower 57200. Ether can be short at 2360, with a target of around 2300. #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #美国经济软着陆? #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 $BTC $ETH