We all hope for a big Q4 bull run... 📈

But what if it doesn't happen?

Bitcoin’s past cycles don’t guarantee the future will play out the same. We’ve already seen a break from the pattern - an ATH before the halving.

A Q4 bull run might not materialize, and it could be due to reasons completely outside of crypto: stock market trends, economic data, FED decisions, or even shifts in the presidential race. And let’s not forget the "black swans" that could pop up unexpectedly.

So, here’s a question: why are you really here?đŸ€”

Did you jump into crypto for a quick win, or because you believe in its long-term potential?

If you're here for the long game, there's no need to stress about short-term price swings. Yes, prices might rise or fall, but the fundamentals of crypto remain solid. $BTC and $ETH got their ETFs, $XRP comes victorious from the SEC lawsuit. Adoption is happening, whether the gains are immediate or not.

Even if we don’t see a surge this quarter, don’t let the noise distract you. The media might scream that "Bitcoin is dead" and so-called "experts" will predict massive crashes. Sound familiar? We just saw it last week - and look, the market is already recovering. 🎱

So, when others panic, stay calm. The future is still bright for crypto, even if a Q4 bull run doesn’t come our way. ⭐