How to withdraw money safely in the cryptocurrency circle

Pay attention to the following points when withdrawing money to effectively prevent and receive black money

Choose real-name merchants for transactions

Try to choose an OTC platform that requires T+1 for withdrawal after buying coins. Although you cannot withdraw money immediately after buying coins, you are selling coins, so it has no effect on you

Do not use ordinary salary cards or deposit cards for deposit and withdrawal transactions. Even if they are frozen, it will not affect other bank cards, and the source of funds is easy to check.

Try to choose working days to cash out, and make the source of income clear. Try to use local banks for bank cards, otherwise it will be very troublesome if there is risk control.

What to do if it is frozen by the judiciary

Judicial freezing means that you have black money in your bank card. Don't be afraid if there is a case. First of all, you should know that you are just a normal retail investor who buys and sells U

The bank's risk control may be caused by the recent frequent large-amount transfers of the card, scattered transfers in and concentrated transfers out, concentrated transfers in and scattered transfers out, fast in and fast out, frequent night transactions, no balance in the account, etc. $BTC $ETH #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #小非农增幅创3年多新低 #美国8月非农就业人数不及预期 #美国经济软着陆?