♠️ BTC/USDT 1-day market overview ♠️

Current price: 57933 USDT

Key support: 57280 USDT

Key resistance: 59006 USDT

♣️ Long strategy:

• Entry: 57933 - 58500 USDT

• Target: 59006 USDT (+1.8%) / 60733 USDT (+4.7%)

• Stop loss: 57280 USDT (-1.1%)

♥️ Short strategy:

• Entry: 59006 - 60733 USDT

• Target: 57933 USDT (-1.8%) / 57280 USDT (-2.9%)

• Stop loss: 62460 USDT (+2.8%)

♦️ Market analysis:

1. Breaking through key resistance: BTC breaks through 57280, bullish momentum is strong

2. A large number of long orders are concentrated: long orders are concentrated near 57280, and it is necessary to be vigilant if it falls below

3. Short order pressure zone: short orders increase between 59006-60733, which may become resistance

🃏 Trading tips:

• Risk control: single risk control within 2%

• Focus: grid trading can be considered in the 57933-59006 range

• Note: high leverage (50x/100x) position changes indicate market direction

♠️ Market outlook:

As the leader of the crypto market, Bitcoin has broken through key positions at present, and the future market is worth looking forward to. Can it break through 60,000 to create a recent high? Need to pay close attention.

Risk warning: The crypto market fluctuates violently, and trading needs to be cautious and strictly control risks.

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