If you want to achieve rapid doubling, I believe the following points can help you!

Ever since I entered the industry and started researching, I have relied on 5 iron rules to achieve continuous growth in my account! The content is very short, but every word is like gold. Friends who are destined to read it can understand it and save a few years of detours.

1. I insist on looking at one data every day, which is the number of rising players. Through the changes in this set of data, I can judge the market sentiment. Generally speaking, the number of rising stocks is more than the number of rising stocks, and the market sentiment is stable; then the chance of winning will be greater if I take action at this time. On the contrary, if the number of stacks continues to increase, it is not a good entry point.

2. Keep your thinking clear at all times in the contract. The essence is price, and behind the price is human nature. Different goal expectations will lead to different happiness we get. Most people's expectations are too high, so when they see the price rise, they chase the rise, and they are often trapped. When we receive too much information, it will simultaneously amplify your and my desires. Very few people can distinguish between "stable and slow". Stick to your original intention and always think about getting rich overnight, which is why you often lose money and leave the market, so you have a clear mind and will not be swayed by emotions.

3. The contract is not about the size of the purchase, but about the efficient management of Zijin, especially the strict control of positions. Divide Zijin into short-term, mid-term and long-term according to reasonable planning. No method in the contract is universal. Timely adjustment and making strategies are the core. When it rises, you can cover it, when it falls, you can hold it steady, and when it fluctuates, Can hold it. The premise is that you have your own trading system and strictly implement it in the process.

4. Seize it every year and focus on rising market prices. The cycle of speculation is basically the time of rising waves. It is particularly important to choose the subdivided track. Eliminate those that have risen sharply in the early stage and filter out those that have not yet started at low levels. We only decide to rise and the gains are considerable.

5. Contracting is a hobby, and it is precisely because you like it that you persist. A contract is a miniature version of life, with ups and downs in it. It requires hard work and hard work to reap the fruits. Long-term study and study will slowly see through its inner parts and understand its essence.

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