Analysis of thoughts at noon on Thursday, September 12

The positive momentum of the CPI news released yesterday has been reflected. The price of the currency began to rise all the way after retreating to 55,500, reaching a high of 58,500 this morning. Due to the strong rebound, the trend has now entered a period of shock repair.

From the hourly level, the price of the currency is on the upper track of the Bollinger Band, and has not shown a strong rebound momentum. The bullish energy is obviously insufficient, and it has not continued to rise, and is in a sideways state. If the price of the currency wants to break through the 58,500 mark, it needs to rebound and repair before accumulating momentum to rebound, so we still adopt the morning idea of ​​high-altitude and low-long.

Operation suggestions

58,000-58,500 short target 57,000

Defense 59,000 Break 56,000#美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 #BTC☀ #BTC突破7万大关