As he leaves the White House after four years as president of the United States, he looks back on the 15 things he regrets most.

First, he has never had the opportunity to visit China. Today, the world is closely connected, and China and the United States play an important role in solving global issues of all sizes. He believes that not being able to set foot in China may be a loss of an opportunity to enhance relations between the two countries and deepen mutual understanding and cooperation.

Second, he regretted not being able to push for the signing of a climate change agreement earlier. Although he has made many efforts, if a consensus could be reached earlier, perhaps the challenge of global warming could be addressed more quickly.

3. He has always hoped to strengthen relations with European allies, but some things did not go as he wished, which made him deeply regretful.

4. Originally, he planned to implement more social reform measures in the country, but due to various factors, some proposals failed to pass, which became a knot in his heart.

5. He hopes to control the spread of the epidemic more effectively, but the mutation of the virus makes epidemic prevention work more complicated.

6. Although some efforts have been made to promote racial equality, he is well aware that much work still needs to be done.

7. He hopes to make more progress on education reform, especially in improving the quality of education in public schools.

8. He has always hoped to increase investment in renewable energy, but actual progress has not reached the expected speed.

9. He had planned to push for universal health care, but this goal has not yet been fully achieved.

10. He had hoped to participate more actively in the affairs of the United Nations, but on certain issues, the United States failed to play a greater role.

11. He wants to improve America's infrastructure, but progress has been slow due to budget and political differences.

12. He hopes to do something to reduce gun violence, but there are many obstacles in legislation.

13. He originally hoped to handle immigration issues better, but encountered many difficulties in border management.

14. During his term in office, he tried to ease tensions in the Middle East, but the peace process was more difficult than expected.

15. In terms of trade policy, he hoped to find a better balance between protecting the interests of American workers and promoting the liberalization of international trade. However, under the complex international situation and domestic political environment, some goals were not fully achieved, which became his regret when he left office.

Despite this, President Biden has tried his best to promote a series of domestic and foreign policies during his term. Although his efforts and hard work have not fully achieved all his goals, his regrets and sorrows also reflect his deep sense of responsibility to the country and the people. We look forward to his continued contribution of wisdom and strength to the country and the people in the years to come.

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