How is the inscription recently? What do you think?

Speaking of inscription, there are many opinions. The first thing that comes to mind is the three stupid inscriptions, sa, ra, ordi. Is this a king bomb combination?

People who have experienced the inscription craze should know the madness of inscriptions. In the second half of last year, there was a strong inscription trend that swept the entire market. There were all kinds of inscriptions. I still remember the pain of rubbing inscriptions by hand last year😂

Although the popularity is not as high as it was in the past, it is still hot. This is relatively good. The three major inscriptions are still relatively good, and the potential is not reduced. $1000SATS $ORDI #美降息25个基点预期升温 #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币