Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin posted on social media that starting next year, he will really only mention L2 projects that have reached Phase 1 and above in public?

Will there be a short grace period for new and really interesting projects? Projects must reach Phase 1 to be considered, regardless of whether there is an investment relationship or whether they are friends. Can this be done?

There are multiple ZK-rollup teams expected to reach Phase 1 by the end of the year. Will this happen? Can we really not throw away the "training wheels" before ensuring the security of the proof system? Is Phase 1 (75% of the committee members have the right to overturn the proof system, of which 26% or more must come from members outside the rollup team) really a very reasonable intermediate milestone? Is the era of rollups as a "multi-signature upgrade" really coming to an end, and the era of cryptographic trust is really coming?