As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, a traditional festival that is particularly cherished by the Chinese nation, I began to think about how to find business opportunities in it. After all, it is natural for marketers and entrepreneurs to use festivals to seek profit growth. After the Mid-Autumn Festival comes the National Day, followed by the New Year's Day. These festivals indicate that the second half of the year is about to pass, and many people will begin to feel anxious and struggle with the anxiety of money.

For those who are always looking for ways to make a profit, they have already started to act. No matter what the result is, they have contributed to the goals and self-awareness of the next year, and are one step closer to their dreams. Therefore, anxiety is not something that needs to be sold, it is only related to your wallet. If there is no money in your pocket, even the basic needs of life are difficult to meet, let alone other wishes. You say you are happy, but who will believe it? Do you believe it yourself? In the final analysis, the degree of anxiety is directly related to the money in your pocket! In such a traditional festival full of marketing opportunities, the purchasing power of consumers is huge, which naturally means the existence of many business opportunities.

The most representative product of the Mid-Autumn Festival is mooncakes. So why not sell mooncakes to make some money? Yesterday I shared a way to sell mooncakes, and today I will share another one.

​Group buying is a new way of shopping. It is very popular and orders are placed quickly. Team leaders have hundreds or thousands of accurate customers. Wouldn't it be a waste of their resources if we don't cooperate with them? One group leader has a traffic pool of hundreds of people, and 10 group leaders have a traffic pool of thousands. So if you go to the group buying groups in the whole city, how many traffic pools can you get? In the end, is it difficult to sell 1,000 boxes or several thousand boxes? Therefore, a small profit of 100,000 to several hundred thousand can be easily achieved.

​1. When exploring the extremely popular local group-buying mini-programs, select the most popular ones, find their pick-up points, and proactively contact the group leaders to invite them to relax in the local well-received foot massage shops. As Qiao Shan once humorously pointed out, "Foot massage is not only a physical enjoyment, but also a rest for civilization and progress." In such a relaxed atmosphere, propose the idea of ​​cooperation to the group leader.


2. Then, you can propose a cooperation plan to the group leader: carry out pre-sale activities within the group buying group, and provide a certain percentage of the share as an incentive based on the final sales performance. For example, launch an activity of "buy two boxes to enjoy discounts, buy three boxes and get an extra box". After all, in holiday gifts, mooncakes are often bought more than one box.


3. To win the support of the group leader, you can provide some additional incentives, such as providing some mooncakes for free, or inviting the group leader to enjoy the food, or even giving a portion of the sales share in advance. Once the group leader experiences the high quality of the mooncakes, he will have the confidence to recommend them to his neighbors. With the endorsement of the group leader, the doubts of other customers will also disappear. In addition, arrange for several active members in the group to try the mooncakes in advance and share positive reviews in the group, emphasizing the taste, beauty and cost-effectiveness of the mooncakes. Under the influence of these positive word-of-mouth, group members may follow suit and buy them. Some people even bought 10 boxes at a time, ready to give them to relatives, friends and respected elders during the Mid-Autumn Festival.


4. Next, use promotional methods such as cashback cards and after-sales draws to attract customer traffic from the group leader to your own platform.


5. For those customers who have shown their willingness to buy, you can organize special events to attract them to buy other seasonal products again, such as pre-sale cards for hairy crabs, and make more money from them. Because these customers have shown their willingness to buy, the conversion rate will be relatively high.


Finally, there is a high-end operation for selling mooncakes. Follow me and I will talk about it tomorrow.