Market sentiment is like a spring ready to go. The greater the pressure in the early stage, the more amazing the subsequent explosion will be. Whenever the market experiences a sharp drop, despair is everywhere, and everyone sells off as if the end of the world is coming. Few people dare to look for opportunities in this chaos. But it is at such moments that the "brave" who go against the trend and buy at the bottom with extraordinary courage can often reap unexpected rich returns.

Looking back at the past, those brave moments shine with the light of wisdom. For example, in the autumn of 2017, Bitcoin seemed to have fallen into the abyss, and the price went straight to the bottom of $2,900. However, at this seemingly desperate moment, if you dare to buy at the bottom, it will soar to $20,000 like a rocket in just three months, bringing you an amazing return of nearly 7 times. Ethereum is not far behind, jumping from $200 to a peak of $1,400, also writing a legend of 7-fold growth. And those niche altcoins have staged a jaw-dropping drama of growth.

Looking at the "Black 312" in 20 years, Bitcoin suffered another heavy blow, and the price fell to around $3,800. But this time, history once again proved the value of courage. In just over a month, Bitcoin rebounded strongly, returned to the $10,000 mark, and broke through $30,000 at the end of the year, bringing another 7-fold feast to those who stick to it. Ethereum has become the star of this feast, rising from the low of $87 to the top of $1,000 at the end of the year, with an increase of more than 10 times, which is amazing.

These stories are not just a jump in numbers, but also a hymn to courage and wisdom. They tell us that in the turbulent waves of the market, keeping calm and daring to think in reverse can often capture those fleeting opportunities and reap unexpected wealth and growth.

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