At present, many celebrities are looking back and examining the prophetic flags they set up in early 2024. Here, I would also like to share my two major prospects, which are like bright lighthouses in the sea of ​​stars:

1. The sea of ​​stars of Bitcoin: With infinite vision for the future of cryptocurrency, I boldly predict that by the end of 2024 or at the threshold of 2025, Bitcoin may set sail again and hit an unprecedented new high. The milestone of $73,000 may just be a small rest stop on its journey, and the real peak is yet to be revealed. Of course, the road ahead is long, this is just a personal enthusiasm and conjecture, and the specific situation will take time, the fair judge, to reveal.

2. The shining moment of Meme coin: In another encrypted sea full of laughter and creativity, Meme coin is about to stage a gorgeous transformation. I firmly believe that these digital currencies that carry the essence of Internet culture will shine in the coming days and tell the colorful stories of the encrypted world in their own unique way. Get ready for the shining moment of Meme coins, they may become the brightest star in your investment portfolio!

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