In the trading journey, many people go through four levels:

Initial exploration: When entering the market, people are ignorant and blindly try to buy at the top and bottom, greed and fear intertwine, and eventually lose all their money.

Technology obsession: After learning from the pain, they deeply feel the key of technology, so they indulge in charts, books, videos, and crave for the secrets of making steady profits. They study hard and research continuously, but they can't escape the trap of being a wise man after the event, and profits are still out of reach.

Market enlightenment: When technology fails, they realize that the market is impermanent, there is no absolute rise and fall, and there is no way to win steadily. Beliefs are reshaped, everything is attributed to the probability game, and the road to growth has begun.

The road is simple: Reading a lot of books, looking at cases, and becoming more skilled, but they feel that trading is becoming more and more cumbersome. Suddenly, they realize that "less is more" and return to the essence. Naked K, moving average or Fibonacci, find your exclusive weapon, one skill in hand, better than thousands of fancy.

System practice: Lack of confidence, system is difficult to stick to? You may as well try it with a micro warehouse and verify it repeatedly. Failure is the mother of success. Try many times until the system works like a charm. Then the trading road will move forward steadily.

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