Jia Yueting's financing is successful again, and FF is reborn!

Jia Yueting, the "master" in the financing industry, is making waves again! Despite his reputation and doubts, he can always attract funds like "magic". Recently, he won a $30 million (about 210 million RMB) financing gift for FF with some operations, which instantly gave FF a new life, regained its listing qualification, and its stock price soared like a rocket.

Jia Yueting took the opportunity to call on global technical talents to jointly plan the blueprint of FF's new sub-brand, focusing on "AI" and "EV", and playing a new concept upgrade game. The story of Jia Yueting and FF is like a never-ending "dream chasing" drama, with ups and downs and fascinating.

In this financing, investors from the Middle East, the United States and Asia have joined in, among which the boss of an investment company in the UAE is even more excited and boasts to help FF expand in the Middle East. FF CEO is even more confident, saying that this money will promote the production of FF912.0 and accelerate product and software upgrades. Looking back to half a year ago, FF was still facing difficulties due to lack of funds. Now the $30 million is undoubtedly a timely help.

However, can this money really help FF build cars? We still need time to verify. But what is certain is that FF has successfully defended its Nasdaq listing seat and avoided the delisting crisis. After the new management took office, it was committed to solving historical problems so that FF could focus on its business.

However, FF's financial situation remains grim: the profit in the first half of the year was meager, and the difference between total assets and liabilities was huge. Jia Yueting once again offered a new trick, planning to launch the "Ultimate Cost-Effectiveness" sub-brand, claiming to create high-performance and low-priced AI and EV products. But industry insiders laughed and said that this is just an old routine of smart electric vehicles, and mass production challenges are huge.

The "China-US Automotive Bridge Strategy" sounds grand, but with the reputation of "the king of fools" in front, which company dares to cooperate easily? Jia Yueting's dream of returning to China seems to be a long way to go.

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